Piedmont AHEC provides and supports educational activities and services focusing on primary care in rural communities and those with less access to resources to recruit, train, and retain the workforce needed to create a healthy North Carolina.
Piedmont AHEC serves healthcare professionals and students in Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Guilford, Montgomery, Orange, Randolph, and Rockingham counties. It enhances learning experiences by providing educational and informational resources to the region.
- We provide convenient virtual and online continuing education programs for credit to healthcare professionals in various fields.
- Our Cone Health medical residency programs attract excellent residents nationwide and internationally.
- Medical student rotations include over 200 sites and 350 community preceptors to coordinate community practice experiences.
“ The virtual courses were well planned, interesting, applicable to my nursing practice, and informative. The speakers were educated in their field and well-prepared.” |
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Piedmont AHEC, in affiliation with Cone Health and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at Chapel Hill, sponsors residency programs in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry (July 2021).
Our team can turn your content into an engaging, interactive learning experience!
Let us help you plan your next conference, workshop, or event. Our knowledgeable staff will provide the muscle and the brains!
The Camp Med Experience is a healthcare career exploration experience for middle and high school students.
GREENSBORO, November 16, 2023—In response to the growing gap between job demand and talent supply the healthcare industry is experiencing, public and private institutions have aligned in a landmark partnership determined to address the pressing nature of the issue. NC AHEC has joined forces with the NC Center on the Workforce for Health, NCIOM, Sheps Center, and the NC Chamber Foundation to implement a strategic plan designed to create a robust and sustainable generation of healthcare professionals. Through the partnership an initiative known as the NC Health Talent Alliance was launched in an effort to address the critical needs in the healthcare sector. The AHEC mission, “to recruit, train, and retain the workforce needed to create a healthier North Carolina”, aligned with the mission of the initiative and provided the structure needed to deploy solutions regionally.
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